Sunday, March 29, 2009

Who Will Police The Police?

It is not often the Guardian gets news that's worth writing about, but this footage of police abuse during the G20 protests shows just why it is that we don't trust the police anyway.

The man being shoved to the ground is Ian Tomlinson, who sadly died later that day from a heart attack. The video appears to show a man incredulous with the police, presumably because they had ordered him away for no good reason other than 'we are the police and we do what we want', who is then shoved in the back by a cowardly officer wearing full armour (who should of course be named and shamed).

If only we had elected officials who could seek out this bully. Instead, I have no doubt that the police lobby will keep the identity of this vile human being hidden, safe to enjoy the perks of the job for the rest of his life.

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