Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fair and Reasonable

Just when you thought she couldn't sink any lower, Jacqui Smith has managed it. Apparently, we're all picking on her because she's a woman and she's only making 'fair and reasonable expenses'.

No Jacqui, we're picking on you because you are fleecing the taxpayers out of tens of thousands of pounds while we are struggling to keep our jobs and pay our bills.

She also says 'If we want people to be MPs who do not start off with two places to live there has to be a process.' Guess what Jacqui. There is. And instead of using that process as it was intended (i.e. to pay for your London living arrangements while your salary pays for your family home), you have deliberately set about to claim as much money from the taxpayer as possible.

A simple question, if you lose your job, where will you live? Redditch with your family, of course. So that is your main home and you know it. You have identified your sisters' spare room as a main home in order to gain access to money you had no business claiming. That, and no other reason, is why we are picking on you.

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