Sunday, March 1, 2009

MPs Expenses (cont.)

It's hard to not feel slightly bittersweet about my prediction that we hadn't heard the last from Jacqui Smith and here expenses claims.

While it's nice to be proved correct, it is sad that such fraud has been allowed by Parliament. The sheer scale of immorality in the Home Sec's second home expenses would be comic were it not displayed by the same person who wants to know everything about our lives, ostensibly to protect us.

In two months work, I pay nearly £500 in income tax. Smith spent that much on a stone sink and console. Another two months of my work went into paying for her shower, and yet another two into paying for a sofabed.

All for her family home, I'm sure you don't need reminding. I can't afford to buy a new bed for my home, why on earth am I paying for one in hers?

And as if it wasn't bad enough already, those ministers who are given grace & favour homes have also been allowed to claim for a second home. They aren't even using their salary to pay for their livelihood. One free home, rent out a London property for profit and claim expenses on the family home, and this is all within the rules. It's a disgrace.

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